Programme Jeunes@Work

Programme Jeunes@Work

IPT Foundation

Sponsorship area

Education and training

Sponsorship amount

CHF 50'000 per year

Sponsorship term

since 2022


IPT Foundation

The aim

The aim is to enable young people with diplomas in Switzerland to enter the labour market quickly, to combat youth unemployment and to improve their chances of long-term integration into the labour market. 

Even though the unemployment rate in Switzerland is relatively low, on average 10% of young people are unable to find their first job after completing their vocational training. As a bridge between an apprenticeship and their first job, Jeunes@Work helps young people with diplomas prepare effectively for their entry into the job market.

Developing the Jeunes@Work programme

The Jeunes@Work programme has been running in the west of Switzerland since 2008, and then it was rolled out in Tessin and the German-speaking part of Switzerland in 2016. Since its introduction, nearly 9,000 young adults have benefited from this programme, and more than 60% of them found a job within the three months that the process lasts. Following the success of the project in Geneva, this strategy has now seen further development in the other cantons in the west of Switzerland, in Tessin and also in Basel, Berne and Zurich. 

The process

Jeunes@Work provides individual support with a focus on finding solutions, which is oriented towards young people's specific needs and pursues the goal of empowering them to become more independent. This helps them learn how to better position themselves on the labour market and prepare themselves more effectively for potential phases where they are between jobs. This support, which lasts an average of three to four months, consists of individual and group coaching and course modules as well as work placements.

The target audience

Jeunes@Work is aimed at young adults who have experienced difficulties entering the labour market by themselves. They often become interested in the programme once their search for a job has been unsuccessful. Those affected find it hard to define a clear career goal and to position themselves successfully on the labour market. They have a hard time recognising their skills and showcasing these on their job applications or at interview. As they see it, their lack of professional experience and difficulty in seeing themselves as skilled workers are obstacles they cannot get round.