Hirschmann Scholarship at Universities of Applied Sciences

swissuniversities / Chamber of Universities of Applied Sciences

Get Together 2023

The Hirschmann Scholarship holders hold their Get-Together every two years. The event on 7th December 2023 was once again held at the Kornschütte on the Kornmarkt square in Lucerne. 

The evening was led by Alexandra Richter, the Director of the Hirschmann Scholarships Department, as well as by Melina Ehrat, Engagement Manager at the Policy Kitchen of the think tank foraus. 

40 scholarship holders from a range of specialisms attended the event. The universities were represented by Franco Gervasoni, President of the swissuniversities Chamber of Universities, Etienne Dayer, Managing Director of the Chamber of Universities of Applied Science, Barbara Bader, Rector of the HSLU, Jacqueline Holzer, Director of Art & Design at the HSLU and Valentin Gloor, Director of Music at the HSLU. The Hirschmann Foundation was represented by its President Barbara Rigassi, Valentin Vogt from the Foundation Board and also by Martina Weber, the Director of the Department. 

The delegates took part in rotating groups to discuss the question "How can the sharing economy be promoted in our educations system at a time when resources are being used up at an alarming rate and when there is global inequality and climate change?"

The scholarship holders from the two most recent cohorts then presented the posts on their blogs that cover these issues. They had written these as part of the Hirschmann Scholarship programme in collaboration with the think tank foraus. 

This was followed by aperitifs at an ‘apéro riche,’ with musical accompaniment provided by Hirschmann scholarship holders rounding off the event.