Artists in Residence in the SQUARE

Artists in Residence in the SQUARE

HSG Foundation

Sponsorship area

Education and training

Sponsorship amount

CHF 150'000

Sponsorship term

2022 - 2024


HSG Foundation

Project Website

SQUARE at the University of St. Gallen

SQUARE is being run by the University of St. Gallen and its programme is being curated by the artistic directors it has appointed. The aim is to shape the future of learning and teaching at the SQUARE. The intention is that there should be a focus on enriching, formative and personal encounters between people. The aim is to bring people together who would have little chance of coming into contact with each other anywhere else.

Personalities from the economy, culture, science, and politics have been invited to spend between three days and two weeks at the SQUARE and to cover their own content with the students.

Personalities from the arts are an important group as artists in residence when it comes to conveying the importance of creativity in times of fundamental upheaval. The aim is for artists to be involved within and outside of courses and to be able to communicate their creativity, their works, and their creative process as part of a dialogue with lecturers and students. The intention is that the building will also be a venue for exhibitions and performances of their works.

Pictures © HSG Foundation